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Immune Boosting Fruits Take Centre-Stage This Winter

With the winter cold and flu season well and truly upon us, it is a great time for immune-boosting fruits to take centre-stage in your displays.

This is an opportunity to let your customers know of the best in-season fruits available to help fight off or give them some resistance to cold and flu.

So many of our favourite fruits are loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C is the ideal immune booster as it increases the production of white blood cells which are key to fighting infections.

Fruitlink display of winter fruit for immunity

Time for citrus to shine

Citrus is a standout in the winter months, it is in season and packed with vitamin C and immune-boosting nutrients.

The warm and vibrant hues of oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, lemons, and limes give a feeling of energy, well-being and happiness and are ideal to give prominence to your displays

According to research in Very Well Mind’s article on colour psychology, orange, “…is perceived as a playful, friendly colour when used in consumer marketing and products. Shoppers also tend to associate it with more inexpensive products.

Tropical vibes brimming with Vitamin C

You can keep the tropical vibe going in your displays with a couple of other fantastic flu busters. When you think of pineapple, you might normally think of summer, surprisingly, pineapple is also in season in Winter and an immune-boosting treat that brings the summer holiday feels with loads of antioxidants and is an excellent source of Vitamin C, B1 and B6.

Kiwi fruit also packs a punch as it’s full of essential nutrients including Vitamin C. How awesome would a morning snack of a kiwi fruit be when paired with the powerhouse of all fruit snacks, the banana? Place this great green and gold double-act side by side highlighting how easy these nutritious snacks are when you are on the go.

This cornucopia of ‘Carmen Miranda’ style tropical fruit wouldn’t be complete without strawberries. The ever-romantic strawberry is an in-season winter delight, loaded with Vitamin C and the very useful potassium and magnesium.

Another surprising winter fruit filled with antioxidants, fibre and a good source of Vitamin C are pears. Often sought after for desserts or cakes, pears are also the perfect addition to any cheeseboard. Perhaps suggest a pair up by grouping strawberries and pears with more rich sources of antioxidants, a good red wine, and some dark chocolate.

Avos, apples and all the melons …

There’s more for shoppers to load up on this winter, all the melons are perfect for offering up in bite-sized portions on a toothpick to remind shoppers not only how refreshing these are but the work they do in boosting our immunity.

Happily, avocadoes and apples are both in abundance and carry dietary fibre and Vitamin C. It’s always a good time for an avocado containing essential good fats, it is arguably the most versatile of fruits, great for breakfast, lunch, dinner or in a green smoothie, the avocado really pulls its weight. Maybe it’s not just an apple a day to keep the doctor away but also an avocado!

Remember, the focus for winter fruit promotion is reminding shoppers that eating seasonal fruit in Winter is a great way to support and strengthen our immune system and general wellbeing.


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